Paleo Hebrew Alphabet Chart

Meanings and biblical uses of each letter of Father’s alphabet. For more information on how the letters are used in Hebrew words, see our Paleo Hebrew Alphabet video series


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): A, E
Picture: Bull
Common Letter Meanings: Chief, Leader, Strong, Strength
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H504 Eleph: oxen

Sample Use:

GOD (“EL” in Hebrew) is the Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:4).
E (alef) = Chief
L (lamed) = Shepherd


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): B, V
Picture: Father’s House (temple)
Common Letter Meanings: In, Inside, Within, House, Father’s House (temple)
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H1004 Bayit: YHVH’s temple, a house

Sample Use:

The letter Bet Bet is used as a prefix all throughout the scriptures to mean “in.”


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): G
Picture: Camel Foot
Common Letter Meanings: Lift, Walk, Strength, Ability
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H1581 Gamal: camel

Sample Use:

Gimmel Sample_Use

Pride (“geeh” in Hebrew) is lifting up the horn of man. A similar word is “gaah,” which means exalted. A proud man lifts up his own horn, but GOD exalts the horn of the righteous. 
G (gimmel) = lift
E (alef) = horn
H (hey) = man


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): D
Picture: Tent Door
Common Letter Meanings: Door, Gate, Move, Movement, Low, Hanging Down
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H1817 Delet: door, gate

DALET_Sample use

Sample Use:

When the sole of a foot is lowered down, a thing is crushed (“dak” in Hebrew).
D (dalet) = lower
K (kaf) = sole of foot


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s):  H, -ah
Picture: Man With Arms Raised
Common Letter Meanings: Look, Lo, Behold, The, This, Reveal, Man, Mankind, Existence, Life
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H1887 He: behold, lo

Sample Use:

Hey_Smaple Use

The word for mountain (“har” in Hebrew) is a picture of beholding the top.
H (hey) = behold
R (resh) = top


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): V
Picture:  Hook
Common Letter Meanings: And, With, To join things together
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H2053 Vav: tabernacle hook

Sample Use:

The letter Vav VAV is used as a prefix all throughout the scriptures to mean “and.”


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): Z
Picture:  Plow’s Edge
Common Letter Meanings: Cut, Shake, Make ready, Overturn
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: n.a.

Sample Use:

An olive tree (“zayit” in Hebrew) can be manually harvested by shaking the tree very strongly with the arms.
Z (zayin) = shake
Y (yod) = arm
T (tav) = strong


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): Ch, -ach
Picture:  Wall
Common Letter Meanings: Wall, End, Obstruction, Outside
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H2399 Chet: sin; #H2856 Chatam: seal (shut)

Sample Use:


The Hebrew word for “outcast” is “dachah.”
It’s a picture of a man being moved outside.
D (dalet) = moved
Ch (chet) = outside
H (hey) = man


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): T
Picture: Container
Common Letter Meanings:  Surround, Store, Keep, Contain, Cover, Gather together, Food
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H2916 Teet: mud, mire, clay

Sample Use:

TET Sample Use

To trust in Hebrew (“batach”) is a picture of being inside a surrounding wall.
B (bet) = inside
T (tet) = surrounding
Ch (chet) = wall


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): Y
Picture: Hand and Arm
Common Letter Meanings: Work, Do, Make, Hand, Arm, Help, Power, Authority
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H3028 Yad: hand, power, authority

Sample Use:

Yod sample use

The Hebrew word for knowing is “yada.”
YAD (arm) = make
A (ayin) = known


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): K, Kh, -akh
Picture: Palm of Hand
Common Letter Meanings: Hand, Palm of hand, Sole of foot, Crush, Cover, Grip, Grasp, Subjugate
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H3709 Kaph: hand, palm, grasp

Sample Use:

KAF sample USE

To walk (“halak” in Hebrew) is a picture of a staff in the palm of one’s hand.
H (hey) = man
L (lamed) = staff
K (kaph) = palm of hand


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): L
Picture: Shepherd’s Staff
Common Letter Meanings: Staff, Lead, Guide, Teach, Protect, To, Toward
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H3925 Lamad: teach

Sample Use:

To those who are His, HE gives a new heart (“leb”) and a new spirit so we can follow His ways.
L (lamed) = teacher/guide
B (bet) = inside


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): M
Picture: Water
Common Letter Meanings: Waters, Sea, Drink, Tumult, Upheaval, Lift up (like waves), The unknown, Many, People
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H4325 Mayim: waters

Sample Use:

MEM sample Use

Rain (“matar” in Hebrew) is a picture of water surrounding the head.
M (mem) = water
T (tet) = surrounds
R (resh) = head


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): N
Picture: Serpent
Common Letter Meanings: Reflective, Shiny, GOD-given, Life (as something GOD’s light shines on), Spiritual, Serpent
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H5175 Nachash: serpent

Sample Use:

Nachash sample use

A snakebite (“nashak” in Hebrew) is a picture of a snake’s teeth crushing something.
N (nachash) = snake
Sh (shin) = teeth
K (kaf) = crush


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): S
Picture: Barb
Common Letter Meanings: Hold, Establish, Prevent, Turn
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H5564 Samak: uphold

Sample Use:


A book (“sepher” in Hebrew) is used to hold the sayings of men.
S (samek) = hold
P (peh) = saying
R (resh) = man


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): A, E, O
Picture: Eye
Common Letter Meanings: Eye, Sight, Knowledge, Understanding, Perception
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H5869 Ayin: eye, sight, appearance, knowledge

Sample Use:

Ayin sample use

Weeping (“dama” in Hebrew) is the movement of water from the eyes.
D (dalet) = move
M (mem) = water
A (ayin) = eye


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): P
Picture: Mouth
Common Letter Meanings: Mouth, Open, Opening, Edge, Rim, Saying, Command
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H6310 Peh: mouth, edge, opening, command

Sample Use:

PEH sample use

A morsel (“pat” in Hebrew) indicates a mouthful of something.
P (peh) = mouth
T (tav) = indicator


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): Ts
Picture: Man on His Side
Common Letter Meanings: Lie in wait, Lay down, Wait, Side
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H6654 Tsad: side; #H6679 Tsud: hunt; #H6658 Tsadah: lie in wait

Sample Use:

TSADE sample use

An adversary (“tsar” in Hebrew) lies in wait for man.
Ts (tsade) = lie in wait
R (resh) = man


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): Q
Picture: The Sun at the Horizon
Common Letter Meanings: Circuit, Sun, Day, Line, Encompass, Gather
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H8622 Tequphah: turn, circuit; #H5362 Naqaph: encompass, Circuit, Sun, day, Line, Encompass

Sample Use:

QUF sample use

The word for assembly in Hebrew is “qahal.” It’s a picture of men gathering to the staff.
Q (quf) = gather
H (hey) = man
L (lamed) = staff


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): R
Picture: Head
Common Letter Meanings: Man, Head, Chief, Top, First, Beginning
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H7218 Rosh: head, top, chief, beginning

Sample Use:

RESH sample use

The word for high, exalted, and tall in Hebrew is “rum.” It’s a picture of a lifted head.
R (resh) = head
M (mem) = lifted (like waves of water)


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): Sh, S
Picture: Teeth
Common Letter Meanings: Teeth, Eat, Front, Consume, Destroy
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H8127 Shin: tooth, teeth

Sample Use:

SHIN sample use

To repent (“shub” in Hebrew) is to face Father’s House.
Sh (shin) = face frontward
B (bet) = Father’s House


Original Hebrew

Later Hebrew

Modern Aramaic

Sound(s): T
Picture: Mark
Common Letter Meanings: Mark, Strong indicator, Strength
Closest Hebrew Word(s), with Strongs #s: #H8420 Tav: mark

Sample Use:

TAV sample use

Writing (“katab” in Hebrew) is a picture of the hand marking the inside of something.
K (kaf) = hand
T (tav) = mark
B (bet) = inside